Showing posts with label Chinese recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chinese recipe. Show all posts

Monday, September 5, 2016

Brewing a Perfect Herbal Medicine

This is about how to brew Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with 啞巴媳婦 Medicine Brewing Pot. It's sold at any Chinese grocery stores. The pot has standard shape and simple instructions. Mine happened to be an used one. I don't have any instructional manual.

Here is my instruction for what I learned by trials and errors.

  1. Empty the herbs into the pot
  2. Add enough water to cover the herbs. At least 3 cups, it depends on the amount of ingredient. I normally add half cup extra to the soaking process in the first brew.
  3. Soak for 30 minutes. 
  4. Plug the power cord into the electrical outlet. 
  5. I place it on my patio because it can get a little stinky during brewing. 
  6. It depends on the herbs, it may take up to 2 hours to finish brewing.
  7. When it's done, ready light should be lit (green). Don't let it sit on warm cycle too long.
  8. Unplug the power cord and let the pot cool down before pouring the liquid into a bowl.
  9. Each package must be brewed twice, unless your herbalist says otherwise.
  10. There should be a 30-minute cooling time between brewing. Otherwise, the pot may crack.

Tips: I mix both brews and separate it into 2 doses for even flavor.

Some medicines can be bitter than others. I'd cool it in refrigerator to reduce bitterness. But herbalist would suggest taking them with candy or add sugar to improve the taste.

From measuring to brewing, it has been the tradition for centuries.

Originally from Wu Ja web page.
  1. 先放入藥材於葯壺內
  2. 再放水於葯壺內
  3. 水量約3碗半至4碗(但須看藥材多與少)
  4. 水量需超過中間發熱體與藥材
  5. 建議可以的話,浸泡20分鐘


煎葯壺;煎煮注正常大帖葯,會超過中間發熱體,若是無法超過中間的發熱體,表示是小帖葯,煎煮出來 有可能葯液量會比較多解決方法

  1. 若1.2碗時:可以放置磁製湯匙1至2支來增加藥材容量
  2. 若1.5碗至2碗時,可以葯頭與葯尾一起煎煮,(放6碗水,煎出來時分兩次喝)

  1. 中間內膽一定要每次刷洗因為水有水垢,加上有粘性的藥材會產生藥垢,附著在內膽,會影響煎煮的準確度
  2. 煎煮藥頭不能馬上煎煮藥尾中間一定要間格15分鐘以上,否則有可能不穩定亂跳的情況
  3. 煎煮出來的藥液量,會因為藥材的多寡或吸水性,而產生不同的藥液量基本上以7分至1.2碗(175cc至300cc)均屬正常範圍

Monday, May 16, 2016

Aromatic Tea Eggs

Egg prices went down recently in Houston. It's time for some delicious, low-cost tea eggs. When I was growing up in Taiwan, my mom made a pot of tea eggs and I could eat 7 of them in a single setting. Why not 8? No one wants to be 王八蛋 - a foul language in Chinese .

I don't add soy sauce to my tea egg recipe. It kills the aromas from tea and spices. Don't add salt until soaking cycle. (step 6)
Mmm... yummy to marble pattern.

1 1/2 doz of eggs
1/2 cup of green tea leaves
6 star anise (Chinese Five Spices)
2 cinnamon sticks, 3 inch size
8 cups water, depends on the size of your pot (see step 4)


  1. Boil eggs until hard, about 5 minutes. Don't over boil.
  2. Remove from heat. Soak in cool water.
  3. Lightly tap the shells with a metal spoon, but not to crack open.
  4. Fill water to slightly cover the eggs, put all ingredients in liquid.
  5. Heat to boil, then reduce to simmer. Constantly pouring liquid to top the eggs.
  6. Cook until egg shells turn brown. 
  7. Turn off heat, top the lid and let soak overnight.
Originally posted on Pbase.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Chinese Summer Tonic Soup

All dried ingredients lined up neatly
This is a lazy way to cook a pot of 桂圓紅棗枸杞白木耳甜湯 red dates longan goji snow fungus soup with Midea Pressure Cooker. Why summer? Because of its ingredients are suitable for hot summer days. But it can be consumed any time of the year. There are several locations sell these ingredients in Chinatown: Hong Kong Seafood CityYin Wall CityViet Hoa Market.

1 cup lotus seeds 蓮子
1 cup split jujubes, dried 紅棗
2 tbs goji berries, dried 枸杞
3 tbs longan meat, dried 桂圓
1 head snow fungus 銀耳
2 oz rock sugar or brown sugar

  1. Soak white fungus in warm water until expanded. Trim off yellow part on the base. This may be bitter or sour.
  2. Rinse all ingredients well. 
  3. Place in the pot. 
  4. Add water to level 6.
  5. Set to SOUP in Midea Pressure Cooker for 30 minutes. 
  6. When done, add desired sweetness to the soup. I prefer plain because longan is naturally sweet.
  7. Remove from pot and store in a gallon container.
  8. Try to consume the soup in a week at any temperature. 
Brown sugar will turn the soup dark.
The effects of rock sugar is purity.

Nutritional Values:

Monday, July 6, 2015

Fried Honeycomb Tofu

If you don't like the tofu texture, try this easy recipe. Fried frozen tofu with garlic, cilantro and sweet'n'hot dipping sauce makes your dinner appetizer so grand. The Chinese said: 美味無窮!
Fried Honeycombed Tofu adds excitement to your dinner table.

1 pack hard tofu
3 cups oil for frying

Dipping Sauce:
3 cloves garlic, chopped
6 stems cilantro, chopped
1 cup low sodium soy sauce
Desirable amount of Sriracha


  1. Cut tofu into pieces of half inch thick.
  2. Lay the slices on a clean plate and put them in the freezer overnight.
  3. Next day, remove them from the freezer and soak in water.
  4. Squeeze out excess water and lay on a layer of paper towel to let dry.
  5. Heat oil on medium heat until ready for frying* (about 5 minutes). 
  6. Carefully drop the slices into oil. Flip once to have even coverage.
  7. Remove from heat when tofu pieces turned light brown.
  8. Lay fried tofu on dry paper towel until surface is no longer greasy.
  9. Mix the dipping sauce ingredients for dipping or serve with your favorite dipping sauce.

*Ready for Frying: Drop a small piece of tofu. If it dips to the bottom then come right up, it is ready to fry.

Originally posted on Instagram June 15, 2013

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Poorman's Cold Noodles

Cheapest dish that is known to Chinese kitchen.

2 cups chow mien noodles
2 tbsp of sesame oil
1 tbsp diced green onions
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 tbsp light soy sauce or Aloha Shoyu

Great for hot summer days


  1. Boil 4 cups of water, add noodles. 
  2. Drain them then rinse the noodle under cold water.
  3. Heat a pan with sesame oil. 
  4. Remove from heat. 
  5. Stir in diced green onions, chopped garlic, soy sauce. 
  6. Pour over cold noodles and stir evenly.